Hi everybody! (Dr. Nick's voice from the Simpsons)
Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy my very first post. To be honest, I have no idea where this blog will take me. It's my first attempt at blogging, so, be gentle and bear with me. I suppose I shall start with the basics.
My name is Jesse Pelletier, I'm 24, and I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I'm a graduate from the University of Winnipeg with an Arts Degree in Sociology and Criminal Justice. I'm currently enrolled in the Creative Communications Program at Red River College and I'm ecstatic to have the opportunity because I've heard so much about the program and with a week under my belt already, the next 2 years look to be some of the best of my life.
I have 1 very hard-working sister named Nicole and have two wonderful parents in Gilles and Maggie Pelletier. They have been ultra-supportive throughout my entire life and I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am without them. I should also mention that I spent this past summer at Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge - @aikenslake / www.aikenslake.com - and it was truly the greatest summer (if not experience) of my life. I will dedicate an entire blog post to this wonderful place soon!
Since my Public Relations professor - @kentonlarsen / www.kentonlarsen.com - is encouraging (indeed, grading!) me on this blog, I intend on putting my best foot forward and posting regularly. I'm sure with the help of Kenton and my classmates, I can turn this thing into the greatest damn blog the world's ever seen! Hmm.. Maybe the fifty-sixth- thousandth four hundred and eighty second best blog is more accurate? I guess we'll soon find out! As the title suggests, this blog will bring various opinions from the world of politics and sports and turn it into a wild adventure. Don't neglect the word 'Ramble' either. I tend to do that every so often and what a better place to do it than right here.
As far as sports go, I'll give you one guess as to who my favourite NHL team is. Hint: It's not the Toronto Maple Leafs. OF COURSE it's the Winnipeg Jets! As a proud Winnipegger, it was no question that I would be cheering for the home team after their relocation from Atlanta last year.
As far as football goes, it's a no-brainer. I bleed Blue and Gold and will be cheering the boys on this weekend in Regina, Saskatchewan for the coveted Labour Day Classic!
In politics, I'm an avid follower of Canadian affairs, both local and federal and I have a weird obsession with the political arena in the United States. But that's for another day.
Well my friends, there is much more to come so please come on back, will ya? I hope to gain some followers along the way, but if not, I have a feeling this experience will be an eye-opening one all the same.